Sustainable Vineyard Sprayer

This H.S.S. Vineyard sprayer offers optimal coverage with maximum drift reduction. Built with the optional extra of the Intelligent Spray Application, the sprayers are fitted with three innovative detection sensors on each side of the spray tower. The spray caps remain closed when no leaves are detected when the empty spaces measure more than 10cm.

See below on just a few of the sustainable benefits:

  1. Saving of +/-20% during the season.

Reduced release of crop protection products (volume reduction) with an average of 20% in one growing season.

Green detection sensors measures the chlorophyll and living branches. When nothing is measured the nozzle remains off, resulting in a saving of 20%!

  1. Water amount per hectare of 150-650 litres with one nozzle.

By actively managing the I.S.A. module it is easy to adjust the output. It is possible to adjust the duty cycle settings from the H.S.S. Control box. The range of release per nozzle can be set from 30% to 100% and can be increased and decreased in steps of 10%.

  1. No overdosing on the first and last plants, saving +/- 5%.

The release of crop protection products is speed dependent. The application rate is calculated on basis of the maximum spray speed. So, when driving speed goes down in order to turn at the end of the row, the rate will also go down. In opposite situation this will also happen when accelerating after turning. As a result, there is no overdose of the last and first plants. A constant application has the advantage that crop is treated more evenly and results in a saving of 5% by avoiding overdosing.

  1. Precise switching on and off of the nozzles, saving +/- 5% compared to manual control.

Because the switching on and off of the nozzles is not determined by a driver but by what the sensor has seen, a saving of 5% is possible again. This is due to the accuracy of the sensor. Outside the option I.S.A. this 5% saving can also be achieved by working with the H.S.S. GPS control system (H.S.S. GPS Control box).

Contact us for more information on 01622 843013 / email

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