Vigolo Power Harrow Seeder - APV

Vigolo Power Harrow Seeder - APV

Vigolo Power Harrow Seeder APV from Kirkland UK
Vigolo Power Harrow Seeder APV from Kirkland UK
Cultivation for Vineyards and Fruit Growers

Vigolo Power Harrow Seeder - APV

The mechanical combination power harrow-seeder VIGOLO is a modern reliable machine. The rear roller, which can be either smooth, cage or packer roller. This model has a larger tank capacity 100-200ltr compared to the Vigolo Delimbe Seeder.

To book a demo or discuss this product call 01622 843013 or email

Product models available

Part no Capacity ltr Packer Roller KG Smooth Roller KG Cage Roller KG Tines HP Total Width Working Width Select
EN-T APV 095 100 480 430 415 4 25-90 1030 980
EN-T APV 120 100 520 475 460 5 25-90 1245 1195
EN-T APV 145 100 550 505 485 6 30-90 1460 1410
EN-T APV 165 100-200 610 550 530 7 30-90 1675 1625
EN-T APV 185 100-200 685 615 595 8 40-90 1890 1840
EN-T APV 200 100-200 750 675 640 9 40-120 2105 2055
EN-T APV 225 100-200 820 750 700 10 40-120 2320 2270
EN-T APV 250 100-200 910 830 780 11 50-120 2545 2530
EN-T APV 300 100-200 1095 985 920 13 70-120 2985 2930
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